ICSE 2023 - Melbourne Australia!

ICSE 2024 was the first conference that I attended in person as a PhD Student! It was so awesome getting to meet my academic “family” and put faces to the names I am seeing published by my fellow PhD students.

This was also the first conference presentation I have done, and I was absolutely blown away by the number of questions and support I received regarding my work “Under the Bridge: Trolling and the Challenges of Recruiting Software Developers for Empirical Research Studies.” It was so refreshing to see that everyone has encountered this issue and that we all agree that steps need to be made to improve the quality of recruitment for BOTH researchers and our participants.

Link to my presentation slides

And while you spent 32 hours getting to the opposite side of the world (with a little stop in Houston texting your oldest friend “hey, are you busy, can you pick us up from the airport we have 18 hours until our next flight plsplsplsplsplspls”), you might as well take some time to travel a little right? Melbourne was an absolute blast, and completely blew any expectations I had out of the water. The city was so friendly and welcoming it puts Southern Hospitality to shame. Trams, SE Asian food, wine, sausage rolls, Victoria Bitter, Cascade Brewing! After the conference, my partner and I attended the Good Food and Wine Fest, took a little trip out to the Yarra Valley (with a friend from Charleston who ALSO happened to be halfway across the world), and took time to see parts of Tasmania.

Me with my academic family Melby Hobart